

Teaching respect to children

A foundation is essential for building a house. A house can be built only if the foundation is good. If the foundation is crooked, there is a chance that the house will also be crooked. The same is the case with the development of children. Children can become better in future only if they are nurtured right from their early years. They will not be the best people in this world if they are not shown the best way in society. They will live in this world like bad people by adopting bad qualities.

Children growing up on this earth need to have good friends, a good environment and a good family to grow up well. In particular, good friends are important.
From the moment a child is born, that child should first be taught respect. They should be taught to show respect to their parents, elderly and teachers. Children should be taught not to sit while adults are standing. This is also an important part of respect. Finding and teaching children these little things will help them become respectful children when they grow up. Children with good morals and high characters will be respected by characters.

But, looking at today's children, respect has changed to such an extent that they don't even have an iota of respect. They grow up not knowing how to bow down and walk respectfully in the place of elders. This is a sad thing. Therefore, every parent should pay close attention to this matter. If such attention is not given, their future will be ruined. They say you can only get respect if you give respect. Everyone has to accept that we cannot earn respect for ourselves where such respect is not given. A person who behaves with respect is seen as the best in society.

Therefore, every parent should make a commitment to teach their children the lesson of respect from the very beginning. Also, if someone gives you gifts, we should teach your child to say thank you instead and sometimes we should give them another gift. This feeling does not go away even after growing up and we should teach and nurture children that we should act as grateful people when someone helps us. We need to learn to help when someone needs help. We should help one's learning and nurture it by telling it not to harm anyone. We should be taught that we should fulfill our duties and live usefully for society and the country. We can become the best in this society if each of us realizes that respect will make us better in the future.

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