

Sufferance of our community due to modern dress culture

Today we live in a world that is known as a catastrophe where we see so many people being corrupted due to additional problems leading them to the act of committing suicide. One of the fundamental reasons for this corruption is the dress culture of our current society.

Today we experience the rapid change of our community from so many perceptive points of view. For example, we understand the tremendous change of technology in today's era when we compare it with the era of our ancestors. Likewise, when we compare today's dress code with our ancestors, we find rapid and severe change in one's outfit that has so many disadvantages and various kinds of problems. These problems propagate throughout the world, creating corruptions and leading our community towards the path of astray. 

How come modern dress culture drives our community on the path of astray? 

Firstly, when pondering regarding this modern dress culture, we do come to the conclusion that these modern outfits are completely forbidden in the religion of Islam. Because, Allah says in the noble Quran, believers lower their gaze and preserve their body organs, but unfortunately, in today's era. Moreover, do fail to act according to it. Moreover, this too becomes evidence that surpassing the commandments of Allah will never bring prosperity, but adversity only. 

There, when considering the dress code in general, we see some garments are made for men and some are made for women. This different way of dressing has been being inspired and followed since the time of our ancestors, but sadly, today's generation have brought corruptions in the name of fashion, where they advertise unique garments for men and women to wear in common and this way of dressing demonstrates equality between men and women. If men and women were equal, then their modesty should be equal too. So, we understand that the dress code of men and women should be separated. As our community elaborates, the fact and importance of differentiation between modesty in men and women. And even our religion gives priority and guides regarding the way of dressing, where it commands men to cover the area, from the belly button including the knee, likewise for a women to cover her whole body.  further more our religion Islam teaches regarding the way of how the garments should be where it interpets for men and women to not to wear tight outfits and specifically for the shape and skin of their body will not be visible. 

If our community were to dress according to Islam, then that would be a resource to prevent major problems, such as a person being attracted to another due to infatuations and lust. When people start to dress in a modern way, they start exposing their beauty in an inappropriate way and describe it as style and fashion. This disagreeable way of dressing will make them loose their modest. As a result, they engage in the act of fornication or sometimes the one who gets arousal because of the attraction of opposite gender may purse to take advantages upon the other and this is also considered as a major crime. 

Therefore, we can come to the conclusion that the guidance of Islam is superior and beautiful from the modest perspective and it's way more secure from all kinds of problems. For example, the beauty of a women is exposed when her face is visible. If her face remains covered, then that will prevent problems occurring. 

So, we can understand that there's always a major reason for Islam to permit and forbid something. So, let's strive to follow Islam and also to take our beloved prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu laihi wasallam) as our role-model and succeed in this world and life thereafter.

Article writtern by:

-Mohamed Ishraq Mohamed Ismi -

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