

A dangerous incident in the river

My village is very beautiful. There is a lot of trees and a river. We will always go to the river. Near the river we have a playground to play with friends. We always play football, cricket and other small games. One day, I went to the ground with my youngest brother to play. It is a children's park also. So, their elderly people can't get people onto the ground. They will wait outside of the ground. 

In the evening, the sun was returning to the sky. My youngest brother Kumar likes to play cricket with some friends. I play football. Both are interested in playing games. I saw my youngest brother was playing very well. He was a ball keeper on the ground. He was standing near the river. I asked him to come into the center of the ground, because go, he was going to be the very smallest person. He doesn't know how to swim. 

But, he didn't hear my request. He focused on playing cricket. Then, I focused on my game when my brother was playing cricket. He was on the field. The ball was coming at him very closely. He tried to catch the ball. He showed the ball had come very strongly. He went back to back from the ground. He fell in the river and he cried very loudly. 

Every person has come near to the river. Every person tries to get him from the river. But, no one goes into the river. The boy's sister also cried to save him from the river. The river water level was very deep. He was drinking a lot of water. No one helped.

Suddenly, one of the people came to the place and jumped into the river. He took the boy outside from the river. He drank a lot of water. He needed first aid. He gave first aid to the boy. He got up. Then he went to the house with his sister. 

My sister informed her parents about the incident. They were very shocked, and they warned their children to be alert of dangerous things. Both of the people accepted their parents' request and promised them to be alert of this type of incident. 

Her mother thanks God and another person who saved the son. This story is a very important subject to learn.  

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