

Poverty is the biggest disease

Many people are facing poverty problems in the world. Poverty is the biggest disease for all people who live in the world. Many people and lots of countries are facing poverty problems. In this world, some things are listed on the poverty list. Those are food, dress, house, fresh water, getting an education and getting respect from others. A lot of government and non-government organizations are making the proper plans every day to reduce poverty in various ways.
Poverty is the biggest pain facing this in various ways already mentioned. A lot of people can't accept poverty. They are fighting to abolish poverty. Islam is also meeting people in places and guiding them to reduce poverty. Firstly, this world accepts educated people. This is one of the ways to abolish poverty, because, basically, educated people can think and act intelligently. Poverty affects people and groups. So, everyone should care to maintain their distance from poverty. It causes problems in developing countries, including developed countries.

Poverty is divided into two things. Those are absolute poverty and relative poverty. The full of poverty is causing a lot of problems in middle-class families. Middle class people face the problem in various ways. Middle class people are facing the problem of their essential needs. education fees, medical fees, essential food and things are all coming in on-roof. That is money only.

In the world, China was in first place on the previous day. But, from April 2023, China came to second place and India came to first place. Many countries are facing the population issue and they are informed the reason for poverty is the major thing. A lot of countries are taking steps to reduce the population because of poverty.

Many specialists are putting their opinion to reducing poverty as it is the most important thing. So, they are giving importance to education and a lot of countries are following a free education system to escape from poverty. And, at the same time, a lot of children stop their education because of poverty. Education also mostly came into business in a lot of countries at the same time.

In Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan government are taking a lot of steps to abolish poverty. A free education system, job opportunities for young people, free career guidance through government and non-government organizations, rural development programs, self-career consultation, non-interest funds for programs are some plans to abolish the poverty of the country. And, the Sri Lankan government includes women in a lot of ways to abolish poverty. A lot of countries, including the Sri Lankan government, are guiding women to do self-business. This is the current situation to abolish the poverty in Sri Lanka.
I just want to share some common things happening in society. Some people have sad feelings about facing poverty. We like to live as the richest. But, we can plan our days on average. Most spend money in poverty. abolish the poverty. live as rich people in the world through proper guidance.

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