

Conversation between Teacher and Student

 Umar: Assalamu Alaikum sir. I have a complaint. May I talk with you?

Teacher: Wa alaikumussalam Umar. Yes tell me, what is your complaint?

Umar: Sir, I brought two hundred money when come to school and it was in my school bag. 

Teacher: Did you search properly? You may miss home?  

Umar: No Sir. I am sure. Because my mom gave me the money and I put it in my bag immediately. I can remember that. 

Teacher: So, you are feeling your money is stolen by someone. 

Umar: Not conform sir. But, it may happen. 

Teacher: when did it happen? 

Umar: I don't know the exact time. I went to the library last period. After that, I returned to the classroom and got ready to go to the canteen for breakfast. Then I lost it. 

Teacher: OK. Don't worry, Umar. I will ask students about this matter. I will help you to find your money. 

Umar: I am eagerly waiting sir. 

(Teacher talks with students in the classroom)

Teacher: Dear students. Please focus on my words. Today your classmate Umar brought the two hundred rupees to school. But, he said that now the money has been stolen by someone. If anyone takes money, please give it to me personally. 

​Students: we don't know about that sir. 

Teacher: You know students, a thief is a crime. We can't do this, because it's another person's property. So, right to understand the truth. 

Umar: Excuse me sir. My father is there. 

Teacher: Ohh. He is coming to our classroom. 

Umar's Father: Good morning sir. May i come in?

Teacher: Yes. Please do.

Umar's Father: Thank you sir. I came to school to give the money to my son Umar, because he had forgotten to take his money from home. 

Teacher: Is Umar missing the money at home?

Umar's Father: Yes sir. He forgot to take the money. 

Teacher: OK. Give the money to Umar. 

Umar: Sorry for the trouble sir. I really forgot about it. But, I hoped it was in the bag. 

Teacher. OK. You go to your seat. 

Umar: Thank you sir. 

Teacher: Dear students, a mistake happened and sorry for that. Umar forgot about his money and he didn't bring the money to school. So, this is an important lesson for us to conform to the important issue. 

​All the students accepted the teacher's opinion. 

Teacher: this is the time to interval. Everyone may have to spend their time. Thank you. 

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