

Public Library

We have the biggest library in our area. In this public library, there are a lot of books. Many people come to read them every day. We can find them according category wise, like science, mathematics, history, Computer Science, General books, languages, literature etc... 

In this library, library management separate a room for children on the ground floor. In the children's section, a lot of story books, children's novels, exercise books, coloring books, comics etc... and also, there is some monitoring on television to improve the children's knowledge.

and, on the same ground floor, there has a reading section for newspapers and magazines. We can see a lot of magazines and newspapers there. Children, young people, elderly people, officers come to read the newspaper and magazines daily. Some people make notes from the newspaper. In that section, last month's newspapers will be on the side track to see where last month's paper is bound. 

On the first floor is the lending section. There, people can get the book from their membership card. The library will give a permission card to get two books a person. A person's library card will expire within two years from the membership registration. Then they need to renew them.  

At the library, every book has to be read and used to get there. There, a librarian is the chief in charge officer. Two assistant librarians will work to assist the librarian, and some library assistants also help people there. And the library's reading circle is planning to improve the libraries at every stage with innovation. They are the role models who come to the library. Their support also really helps every reader. The library is really paradise for everyone to improve their knowledge. 

The library opens every day without leave. Because many people come to the library at various times. Normally, the library opens at 8.30 PM for the public and after that, it will be closed close to 6.30 PM. Saturday and Sunday many peoples comes to library to spend their time. because, those days are may people on the leave. so, they comes to spend their time very useful. 

India's father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, said that "A prison door will be closed when the library door opens". This is the biggest philosophy for everyone who lives in the world. 

Everyone should understand the benefits of the library because it is one of the beneficial places. learning society will be the leading in the world. Everyone should go to the library every day to spend their time.

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