

Prayer in Islam

Prayer is the second major thing in Islam. After the death of a person, the first question is about the prayers, and no excuse can be given in the prayer. Although there are some privileges for fasting, there is no such thing as giving up prayer. Prayer should be established even in old age. Salah is called 'Salah' in Arabic by Muslims. Non-Muslims call the prayer 'Namaz'.

There are five major responsibilities to do in Islam. Prayer is the second thing among them. Prayer is the physical, mental and spiritual worship of people. By this, these people attain satisfaction.

Muslims perform prayer standing, facing the 'Kaahba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. They remind them of some sentences from the Quran. They glorify and praise Allah through prayer. Muslims wear clean clothes during prayers. Allah wants clothes to be clean.

Also, men and women should cover their entire bodies with loose clothing when doing prayer. Women must cover their heads. It is also customary for men to wear round hats. But, it is not mandatory.

Prayer is obligatory in Islam. Islam stipulates that Muslims must perform the prayer 5 times every day. However, there is an exception to this in cases like pre-pubescent children; menstruating women and sick people are exempted from these five daily prayers..

The prayer consists of repeated bowing and prostration cycles, known by the Arabic term 'Raqqa'. It is also divided into prescribed parts. The number of 'Raqqas' varies according to the time of day.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself brought prayer for Muslims from God. There are some Prophets who were the first to pray. Which prayer was first offered by the Prophet is as follows:

1. Bajr - Adam
2. Zuhar - Ibrahim
3. Asar - Yaqub
4. Mahrib - Dawud
5. Isha - Yunus

These are the five prayers of Muslims called Fajr, Luhar, Asr, Ma'rif and Isha. In prayer, 'Fajr' is prayed before the sun rises in the morning. The 'Luhar' prayer is offered in the afternoon when the sun sets. The 'Asar' prayer is offered when the evening shadow doubles. The 'Mahrib' prayer is significant as the sun sets and 'Isha' is the beginning of the night.

Many reasons are pointed out as to why Allah insists on prayer to the people of the world.

01. Prayer leads to leadership.
02. Creates equality.
03. Gives satisfaction.
04. Teaches time management.
05. Exercise to everyone who prays.
06. Shows the way to travel together.
07. Shows the way to maintain discipline.
08. Teaches patience.
09. Praying five times gives refreshment.
10. Remember Allah often.
11. relief to mind
12. Miracles from Almighty Allah
13. Increase gratitude of human beings
14. Thankfulness
15. Increase empathy
16. Health

Therefore, prayer is one of the most important. We can attain perfection in life only by establishing prayer. Consider what Allah says in the Qur'an, "Prayer protects from what is heard".

Muslim people should be very careful in their prayers. It's make closes with almighy Allah us. Allah gives them the gifts they wanted when asking at prayers. Almighty Allah is kind to everyone.

Let's pray. Let us have complete peace on earth and paradise.

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