

General Knowledge (Common) - Tamil & English 05

01. Who is the father of the Indian economy? Dadabhai Nao roji

02. Who is the father of the Indian press? James Augustus Hickey

03. Which rays can easily identify fake currency notes? Ultra-violet rays

04. What is the total length of nerves in our body? 75 meters

05. What is the name of the cyclone that hit the USA and Canada recently? Snow storm

06. Which is the most recently discovered odd-shaped planet? WASP-103b

07. ️Which continent has the highest population density? Europe

08. The world's most powerful space telescope was recently launched by NASA. What is its name? James Webb Space Telescope

09. Where is the longest railway platform in the world? Kharagpur

10. Where is the largest library in the world? Washington D.C. (USA)

11. Where was the Secretariat of the United Nations first located? London

12. Where is the Secretariat of the UN Council located now? New York

13. How many years is the tenure of the general secretary of the council of the United Nations Organization? 05 years
14. Who was the three-armed commander of India who died in a plane crash recently? General Bipin Rawat

15. Where was the safe discovery of a dinosaur egg that had been buried for 6.6 million years recently? China

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