

Fundamental rights of children

This world is surrounded by children. In this world's population, three in one people are children. Every child has the right to use their rights in various ways. Children are revealed as future leaders in the world. So, we should give a place in society to act freely.

The UN Organization mentioned people under 18 as children. It was accepted around the world officially in 1924. In this childhood, The parents should care their children. They have to guide them properly. Parents should give education etc. But, many children don't get the chance to use their rights. This is not the right way. Scientist and former president of India A.P.J. Abdul kalaam said that 'children are future leaders. They have a dream. These future leaders will change the country's fate".

some rights to children recognized worldwide by United Nations organizations:

01. Right to life and development
02. Right to inherit name and caste by birth
03. The right to know about parents and to have their custody,
04. Right to inseparability from parents
05. Right to think
06. Right to individuality
07. Right to Adequate Education
08. Right to health
09. Right to rest
10. Right to play
11. The right to protection from sexual abuse and dangerous activities
12. Right to freedom
13. The right to be free from cruel or tortuous punishment

However, violations of children's rights are taking place in many places.
Below are some of the violations among children:
01. Punishing children
02. Harassment
03. Recruiting
04. Engaging in business
05. Prohibition of education
06. Enslavement
07. Turning into a beggar
08. Compulsion

These should be prevented. The 08 reasons mentioned above, from torturing children to employment should not be imposed on children.
Sometimes drug use also affects children and converts them in bad ways. Every parent should care for their children properly. The parents should be a role model to their children. Children grow up with their parents' behavior. So, every time children are under the control of their parents, it is the only solution for everyone.

Nowadays, many families face family problems between husband and wife. It affects children, so every parent should care in this matter. Let's make children healthy and knowledgeable people to handle the future world.

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