

Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phone

The mobile phone is an important thing in every person's life. It's changing as a family member. The mobile phone connects people to talk and maintain a relationship. These are the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones.

Advantages of using mobile phones:

​01. Communication:
The mobile phone is an easy way to connect people to communicate with other people any time with immediate effect. The technology world gives this to every person's hand and we can also contact another person eye to eye through a mobile phone.

02. Small size:
Mobile phones are small. Everyone can get into the pocket and handle it easily by hand. It helps to do our work easily many times. We can take this in easily anywhere.
03. Photo and Video:
We can take pictures and videos through mobile phones. Photos and videos make happiness and remember the past moments. longtime ago, If want to take a photo we need a camera. But, the mobile phone has many benefits in this matter.

04. Message:
We can pass the text or video messages to another person through the message. It's a passing message quickly and can receive a reply quickly from the sender.

05. Entertainment:
The mobile phone is entertainment for everyone. From children to elderly persons are spending their time on mobile phone. On the mobile phone, they are watching cartoons, movies, videos, messages, news and playing video games. Many people normally spend their time from 06-10 hours on the mobile phone.

06. Note and remembering:
We can use the mobile phone for a digital diary to note our important things, and can remember these matters. We can remember the exact date to do our activities.

07. For online money transferring:
​Mobile phones help with transferring money to another person anytime online. We won't have to go to the bank to transfer money to another person. This is one of the best ways to use mobile phones using technology.

Disadvantages of using mobile phones:
01. Brain Cancer:
The mobile phone's ultra violet rays are affecting our tissues directly. So, it causes brain cancer. So, we should think about using mobile phones many times a day. Importantly, it will affect the children.

02. Stress:
People are getting stressed about using mobile phones continuously. So, we should look backward to using mobile phones many times in a day. Otherwise, we can focus on reading books or physical games in our free time.
03. affecting the immune system:
We use mobile phones in various ways. When we handle mobile phones, some gems are added to our body. It also affects the immune system. So, this is also one of the biggest effects on every person's human body.

04. Body pain:
We use a mobile for a lot of time in the same places, such as chairs and beds. When we sit in the same place, our fingers, neck and spine are getting pain. So, we should avoid seeing the mobile phone continuously at the same time.

05. affecting the nervous system:
Recent survey data shows that 90 percent of people frequently look at their phones within five minutes. Due to this, the nervous system in the eyes of people is greatly affected. This causes eye problems and visual disturbances.

06. Prevents sleep:
In the current situation, most teenagers are addicted to online gambling, pubg and many other games and play without sleep. Due to this, the human body and brain get tired without resting.
07. Accident:
Many people use mobile phones in various places. Some people use mobile phones when driving. It causes accidents suddenly and some people die from using phones when driving a vehicle. So, we should worry about this situation.

08. Social disorders:
Many youths are seeing unwanted and porn videos through mobile phones regularly. It's encouraging a person to cause the worst behavior in society, and this situation causes cultural degradation.

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