

Dengue fever

Saleem is a school student. He studies at Kinniya Central College (National School) in Grade ten. Saleem has not gone to school for the past two days due to suffering from fever. The class teacher asked Saleem's parents over the phone why he did not come to school. The parent informed the teacher of the appropriate reason. The teacher asked them to bring a letter when he come to school. Parents accepted teachers' command.

That evening, some friends came to his house to check on him. Saleem was sitting on the bed. They bought him some fruit and nuts for him. Saleem is a good student in his class. He aimed to study day and night. One day he came home drenched in the rain and got this fever.

His parents told him to focus on health rather than studies. Saleem's parents said that he would not do this again. They asked about Saleem's visit to the doctor. Saleem told his friends that he had taken medicine.

Saleem said he was having severe vomiting. He told his friends that he would not vomit until he went to the doctor. He told his parents that he was vomiting continuously.

The next morning, Saleem did not get out of his bed. His parents tried to wake him but failed. He was taken to the hospital early in the morning by ambulance. Saleem's parents were waiting outside for the doctor and praying for their son's health. Doctors who examined Saleem's body declared him dead. Doctors immediately informed their parents of this message immediately. The parents cried loudly, and the doctor declared that he was suffering from deadly dengue fever and his death was due to not taking proper medication.

Health officials came to Saleem's house and checked the environment. There was water in many places and they found many cans, plastic cups, mugs, empty coconuts, bottles around the environment. They filed a case against them in court claiming that the cost of dengue production was high.

Lesson: We can live healthily only if we keep the environment in order.

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