

A job interview between an applicant and the interviewer

Niwas recently applied for the post of Skills Development Officer at a private college through the mail. He was invited to interview last Sunday at 9.00 AM. Here is part of the interview for the vacancy.

Applicant: Good morning sir. May I come in?

Interviewer: Yes. Please come. Also, sit in your seat.

Applicant: Thank you sir.

Interviewer: Can we see your documents?

Applicant: Of course sir. Here it is. Please take it. (Gives documents)

Interviewer: Can we briefly give you a self-introduction about you?

Applicant: My name is Niwas. I am from Kinniya, Trincomalee District. I have completed my bachelor degree in languages. In addition, I have completed the post graduate diploma in Tamil at the South Southern University of Sri Lanka. Also, I am more interested in the literature and stage programs you have already asked for in the criteria. I hope I have the proper qualifications and experience for this post.

Interviewer: This post is a position to increase the ability of the students. There are different types of students. How to classify them?

Applicant: Of course, there are many types of students in every place. There are students who are reluctant, hesitating, and curious. It is necessary to identify them and make shows for them. Those who are interested in the writing field should be enthusiastic. There are many types of things, such as Soft Skill, life skill and refusal Skill. It is best to lead students in that approach. Everyone wants to know about this.

Interviewer: What kind of programs do you have to identify the ability of the students?

Applicant: Islamic Songs (Qaseedha), debate, speech, literary competitions, quiz competitions for students, drama can be held.

Interviewer: Some students are reluctant to attend stage events. How can they participate in stage programs? Do you have any ideas?

Applicant: Students who are reluctant to participate in individual programs. But, and they can participate in a group program without being shy, but group members will be a boost for the shy students. Then, gradually, they may have opportunities to participate in individual programs in future.

Interviewer: What other procedures can be brought into the students' skills development?

Applicant: Every year we can buy a certain number of books from the writers to improve the student's reading and writing skills. This would be a contribution for writers. Also, students will have the good opportunity to read new types of books all the time.

Interviewer: We got all the copies of your documents. Further details will inform you soon. Thank you for your time.

Applicant: Okay. Thank you so much sir.

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